마진노트1 마진노트 marginnote 와 리퀴트텍스트 LiquidText 특징적인 기능소개 원본 : https://www.marginnote.com/press/marginnote-liquidtext Marginnote As far as how this article came into being, we have to go back to the dynamic force that initially allowed me to bring about the shift from paper notes to cloud notes, and then start talking. Reading has been my habit for over ten years. Starting with my c www.marginnote.com 원본 사이트에서 보기-번역-한국어 했을 뿐입니다. 원본과 번역본 둘 다 열어놓고 보면 마진노.. 2023. 4. 25. 이전 1 다음